Monday, January 28, 2013

The Dreadmill

As someone who considers anything under 70 degrees cold you can imagine how not well I've been handling the past 2 weeks. Along with the temperatures that had me thinking I was in Antarctica came with a couple different treadmill workouts. Since I'm going to actually start the training plan for my half marathon soon I didn't want to miss out on any workouts, especially if they could be done at home. Although I am much slower on the treadmill as you will see from the below speeds. Today I wanted to share with you what routines I did and hopefully hear your favorites!

1. Regular Intervals: I used the program on the treadmill (I usually use this) and I also made up my own one day. For the built in one, I sprint for 30 seconds (at about speed 6) and then walk at 3.7 for a minute and a half. I do this sometimes when I'm not in the mood for a full run but need to do something. I also put on a 3% incline. For time I do either 24 minutes or 30 depending on my mood.

For my made up intervals I did 24 minutes of running for 2 minutes at a speed of 4.6 then sprinting for a minute on a speed of 5.5. I also did this on an incline of 3%. I liked this one and I'm probably going to do it again because it kept me running the whole time. 

2. Rolling Foothills: This one kind of made me want to die. There is a program on the treadmill that will automatically change the incline throughout the workout between 0 and 3%.  I underestimated how tough it was going to be and was running on a 4.7 speed. It was a nice to be able to mimic being outside though. I think the time on this was 24 minutes as well.

3. Just Straight Running: Like I said earlier, I am much slower on the treadmill. When I did these distances it took at least 40 minutes, although I also realized my miles were taking much longer because of my incline. I did a 3.4 mile and 4 mile the past 2 Saturdays (trying to bring my mileage up for training) at a speed of 4.8 increasing to a 5 for the last 2 minutes (I swear I'm much faster outside). The reason the time was taking so long was because I was at a 2% and 3% incline. I don't recommend that if you hate the treadmill and want to be done ASAP. Moving the treadmill to face my backyard with the snow this past Saturday was a great decision I must say, it helped me get through it!

What are your favorite treadmill workouts? Do you prefer doing them at the gym or at home? Are you working out at a slower speed running indoors or push yourself harder?



  1. I am also a lot faster outside than on a dreadmill. I really hate running on one. I've never found my "groove" yet, if you will. Usually, if I have to use the treadmill, I opt for an incline walk with the incline anywhere between 5-13%. Tough!

    1. It's so difficult. I'm always freezing though so it hasn't been logical for me to be outside in the temperatures we've been having!

  2. I'm still trying to figure out the best treadmill workout for me. I have a hard time staying on it for longer than 15-20 minutes! I do find that any kind of interval workout keeps me more entertained and less bored.

    1. I listen to music blaring in my headphones and I also cover the time/distance display so I can just run!
