Wednesday, November 28, 2012

My First, But Certainly Not Last, Refine Method Class

As a Black Friday special, Refine Method offered their clients a deal where they can bring a friend until November 25 to a class with them for free. Thankfully I have an amazing friend Jen who offered to have me join her. I'd also like to say she is a rock star for taking a Nike boot camp class just hours before and choosing not to cancel on me. 

*I apparently was also too excited to take my own photos :x oops!

Anyway, we chose to take Brynn's 12 PM class on Sunday. We first met at Starbucks to catch up then headed over to the studio on 72nd. Upon entering I was cheerfully greeted by the receptionist who had me sign a waiver, showed me where to put my stuff and where the bathroom was. Jen and I placed our things in a locker and headed into the workout studio.

This was my first time at a class like Refine so the set-up was a little different. Each station had a pulley system, 3 kettle bells and gliders. Before class started we did some foam rolling that felt oh so good, especially on my injured knee.

[Our instructor, and founder, Brynn Jinnet, Photo]
Class started just after 12 with a warm-up that consisted of jumping jacks and other body weight activities. We then proceeded to do a couple of different circuits. We did lunges, squats with kettle bells  arms with the pulley system and push ups. After a couple sets we added the gliders and did various sliding lunges and included some planks. Brynn was very motivating and helpful throughout the whole class.

After we finished the vigorous circuits it was time for some core. I learned some new moves that I am definitely going to incorporate into my home routine. When we were finished with core, Brynn led a nice and relaxing cool down. 

All in all this was a really great class. It challenged me but it didn't make me want to pluck my eyes out (or Brynn's!). Although, I say this about a lot of classes, I wish it had more core. I also wish I was allowed to do my push-ups on my knees. I plan on returning to Refine Method and will most likely get a new client package (4 classes for $80).

Have you ever taken a Refine Method class? What did you think? Favorite instructor?



  1. I always forget to take photos! Or I take, like, one and then move on. Need to work on that haha...

  2. Glad you had a great class! The thing about Refine is that it's ALL core and you don't even realize it. All the exercises you do there require you to use it, so you'll get stronger abs without even doing any crunches. I'm living proof! Also, you'll get better at the real pushups. Just keep practicing. I used to not be able to do any, now it's my favorite (yet somehow also most loathed) exercise there. Hope to take it with you sometime!

    1. I deff. didn't realize it but my core wasn't was sore as the rest of my body. Haha I know they will never be my favorite, whether I can do them or not! Yes, let's plan a day :)
