Monday, December 3, 2012

Toy Trot 5K Recap

[Where the race started/ended, Brickhouse Brewery]
Yesterday I ran my last race of the 2012 season, The Patchogue Kiwanis' Santas 5K Toy Trot. Although I probably should have sat this one out due to my knee injury, I decided to go anyway. I also stated on Twitter I was going to do this as a fun run and not care about time/place/speed, come to find out I am way too competitive to not care about those things. For those who don't know me, another reason I started running was because I played competitive sports from whenI was 3 until about 20 and needed some competition back in my life. 

[Just some of the toys collected for kids]
Back to the race. It was only about 10 minutes from my house which is what motivated me to go ( I also LOVE hometown races and supporting the community) and registration was held at The Brickhouse Brewery. If anyone is ever in town, great food, delicious beer and enjoyable music! I didn't pre-register this one because of my knee so I went in the back to fill out my form and pay. Then went back to throw my sweatshirt in the car because we were allowed to hang out inside before the 9 AM start.

[Holiday decorations!]
While I was sitting at the bar I ran into an old best friend which was a nice surprise. Even though we had a falling out it was nice to see a familiar face since many (read: none) of my friends run much less race. We chatted for a bit then scattered when it was time to line up. All participants walked in the cold and fog to the start around the block. Some were dressed up in Santa costumes and such which was really cute. And at 9 AM we were off.

[Waiting for the race to start]
They didn't line us up by pace (or maybe they did, I couldn't hear them talking) so the first couple of minutes everyone was trying to get into their own space. I started out great I must say, then about less than a mile through my knee started hurting. We had just passed the start so I knew if I wanted to back out now, I could (and probably SHOULD) but it's me so I didn't. I still had a pretty strong pace going and my music was pushing me along. 

There were no mile markers so I had no idea how far into the race I was. Until we hit mile 2 and then of course knowing I had another mile left, my knee decided to hurt even worse. But stopping really wasn't an option because if I stopped moving I wouldn't be able to walk. My old friend caught up to me and ended up passing me even though I was ahead of her by a lot for a while. We chatted and she took off as I was slowing down my pace.

[Post-race treats]
Finally the finish line was in full view! A girl dressed in green and red came up next to me and yelled "come on, run with me!" So I picked up my pace as fast as I could and crossed the finish line at 28:35. Not bad for running with an injury in my opinion. I ended up with a 9:13 pace.

[Santa came to town]
Then everyone walked (I hobbled/limped) back to the Brickhouse to enjoy bagels, orange slices, beer and coffee. Santa and Mrs. Claus came to visit the kids and awards were announced. 

[Breakfast of champions?]
[Enjoying my drink at 10 AM]
All in all, this was a great little hometown race. I did forget a gift for the kids this year but since I know I'll be running it again, I'll remember next year! 

What races did you run this weekend? How many more until your 2012 race season concludes?



  1. I've been jogging on a regular basis for one year now, but still haven't bothered to enter a race. Your post makes me want to stop dragging my feet and just do it!

    1. Oh you should! It's great motivation. Do a fun one like The Color Run. THose are more laid back and aren't timed!

  2. Congrats on the race! I have one more race this year, and one big race the first week in January! Can't wait for it!!

    1. Thanks!...Good luck, that's a nice way to bring in the New Year!
