Thursday, December 27, 2012

A Personal Post!

I hope everyone had a great holiday and ate lots of yummy food. I know I did! I'm sure you've noticed by now that I haven't posted anything new the past couple of days. However, if you follow me on Twitter than you know why!

First I'm going to recap my trip to Montauk. I was so excited to spend the weekend with one of my best friends in one of my favorite places. Our usual hotel was closed for the winter so we stayed in a queen suite at the Royal Atlantic. It included (for a very very reasonable price) a bedroom, bathroom, living room, balcony and full kitchen. If I could live there forever I would. On Saturday as she headed to work at 5 AM (she  is in the Coast Guard and comes to LI to do drills) I slept a bit longer and went to John's Pancake House to grab some breakfast. I have not eaten a diner breakfast in a long time, it was great! After, I headed out to East Hampton to see if I could find any additional holiday gifts (I found nothing) and walk around for a bit. The weather was perfect! I headed back to Montauk and Amanda got off of work and we mapped out our plan for the night. Eventually we decided to take a cab to Amagansett, eat at the tavern, then party it up at the Talkhouse since there would be a band. Simple enough right? Not quite. A chapter title in my book will be: The Iron Fiasco. It took me 40 minutes to borrow an iron that was 5 minutes away. 

[Yummy breakfast]
[Our maturity level is over the top]
[The lead singer in the band! For the record, I have no memory of taking this]
This post already getting long and we're still on 2 weekends ago! We split dinner to A. save money and B. we weren't very hungry. We walked down to the Talkhouse and had one of the greatest nights ever. Lots of beer, vodka, laughs, jokes, dancing, old people and boys. Time flew and before we knew it, it was 2 AM and we were calling a friend to come pick us up. The next day was rough. To make this days story short, with both of my friends standing next to me I may add, we got breakfast at Goldberg's Bagels and the cashier was asking me what I wanted in my coffee. My response: My name is Lynette. Yup, that happened. We ended our trip at The Point with some dinner, brews and Sunday Night Football.

The work week was slow since many people had already left for vacation. On Monday night I gave my twirling kids a holiday party and on Tuesday we had our office party at Carmines. I went out to dinner with my dad and even got to catch up with some friends this week. On Friday we had an early train so I was home by 5, a rare thing in the past year! Then my week goes downhill.

I've had a cyst in my neck forever and when I was in Montauk, maybe it was the vodka, it became infected. Luckily I caught it on Monday when I went to the doctor for my also newly diagnosed IT Band Syndrome. I was put on antibiotics for my cyst however by Saturday felt it got worse. I made the decision to head to the hospital alone (I'm petrified of hospitals so I'm not sure why I thought this was a good idea) and little did I know they admitted me right in. I honestly thought they were going to laugh and send me home to finish my meds. I got a bed right away, ahead of all of the children,  in the middle of a hallway with people who looked dead. My dream. The doctor decided that the cyst was coming out and I started acting like a 5 year old. They also refused to knock me out even though I told them I was willing to take the risk. I settled for a Xanax instead. I'll skip the details of what they did but 4.5 hours after I initially arrived I finally got to go home.

[The day after, you can kind of see the bandage]
Still not out of the water. The next day I had to go back and get the packing removed. This is where I traumatized a child mainly because the doctor chose to do this while I was sitting in triage with the kid staring at me. Oops. We celebrated Hannukah later that day with my grandparents, aunt, uncle and cousins. I received some great stuff, like yoga blocks, ear warmers and a Dunkin Donuts gift card! Christmas Eve I worked during the day then headed over to my dads side of the family after. I have the most adorable baby cousin ever, he was just too funny and had the time of his life. The "kids" had their own secret Santa this year and I got a cute little wallet that I can put my train ticket in and a necklace. 

[DC here I come!]
[My Christmas cat]
Christmas was spent at home during the day and after dinner went to a friends to watch a movie. It's always nice to just hang out and talk! So as for my posts? Things should be returning to normal Sunday. I have a follow up appointment on Friday for the hole in my neck as well as off so I shall be writing! I apologize for the delay but appreciate everyone who has been reading!



  1. So sorry about your hospital visit and I hope you're doing better!

  2. Thanks! I'm feeling much better :)
