Sunday, September 29, 2013

1 Week!

Today is exactly 1 week until my second half marathon and the amazing confidence I had 2 weeks ago has completely diminished. After a great PR at the RUN10FEED10 10K last weekend (recap will go up soon, I promise!), I realized I injured my foot. Then due to work commitments I missed a significant amount of workouts. Read: I did yoga on Monday and boot camp yesterday. Hopefully I got my 6 miles in before I went apple picking this morning. 

While I don't feel very confident in my running I do anticipate having a good time despite how girly the race. I did hear some not great things from the Diva's event in DC so I hope they got their shit together. I recruited my dad to come with me since my Long Island friends aren't really runners. He informed me he will be bringing his camera so look out for embarrassing running photos!

Hopefully if I get a few great workouts in this week I will wake up Sunday ready to go. I've already planned everything I want to eat on Saturday so I can't back out now. Have I mentioned that the day before a half is one of my favorite food days like ever? Here is a sneak peek at some of my RUN10FEED10 photos!

[Post MAJOR PR!]
[The stage area]
[Where I got stretched out]
[Unlimited mimosas for brunch!]
How to you regain confidence before a race? Did you go into a race not very confident but end up doing well?



  1. I wouldn't worry too much about this week! Try to rest for the race and just do a couple short runs (like 2-3 miles). Your body will thank you when it has to run 13 on race day! I'm sure you'll have a great race -- good luck, and virtual cow bells!!!
