Monday, January 5, 2015

Races and Goals and Things

Today is the first workday of 2015 for many of you. Time to start fresh and get your head back in the game. I've been back at work since last week (new job meant I had to give up my holiday break) so I've been at it for a bit already. However, this week does lead up to the beginning of my first training cycle of the year!

I will be running the Michelob Ultra Half Marathon in Queens this March. Unfortunately I didn't get into the NYC Half so I needed to find another race. I've got quite a bit of things coming up- a new move, a friends wedding, the Hampton's, etc- that spending money on a race entry + travel was a bit out of the question. I live in Queens and the entry was well under $100. And you get free beer. Need I say more? 

[Photo Credit]
My goal is to sub-2. It is possible? I think so, but you never know what race day might bring. Or what training obstacles may get in the way. 

As usual, I plan on doing my long runs on the weekend. I've been trying out FitReserve (more on that next week!) and considering continuing throughout my training. If not, I'll do strength and yoga a few mornings and try to get a run or 2 in. Being it's dark out in the morning and evening, and I work long hours, I might have to rely on one-off classes and my own strength routines. 

But I trained when I commuted for 4 hours a day and essentially did it all on a treadmill, sans run club days, so I think my goal is attainable as long as I don't give up. 

Can't wait to share my training with you all! 


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