Friday, June 21, 2019

PR Intern Diaries: Survival Kit

Happy Friday! I realized today I missed my training post from week one so on Monday there will be a double. So far so good! I'm getting excited to add some more mileage and add some more speed intervals. I've started going to hill workouts again on Monday mornings so fingers crossed! 

Lynette Nicole PR intern Jonathan Kirkland is back with his intern survival guide! 


As a PR intern, I have already learned what “tools” are most important in helping me succeed this summer. As I come to the end of week 3, I have compiled a “survival kit” made up of 5 things I can’t live without as an intern.

1) Laptop. My laptop is my life right now. Everything for work, school, and my personal life are on this laptop (the personal docs back up, of course). Even though the internet and computers have been around as long as I have been alive, my internship has caused me to be more amazed at what technology can do. My laptop is definitely the most important tool I have that helps me survive as an intern.

2) Planner/Notebook. Being organized is a part of who I am. I schedule everything, even when I am going to do laundry. I like taking notes and making lists. Being able to physically cross something off a list gives me a sense of accomplishment, and taking notes helps me to remember all of the cool things I am learning about PR. Without my planner and notebook, I’d be completely lost- at my internship and in my personal life.

3) AP Style-book. The AP Style-book is something every public relations student and practitioner should have on them. This book is a lifesaver at times, especially when it comes to writing (and as we all know, writing is the core of public relations). It’s helpful not only at my internship but in my everyday student life at school.

4) MTA Subway Card. It’s no surprise that living in Manhattan is just a bit more difficult than living in rural west Tennessee (this is something I am still trying to get used to). My MTA subway card has taken a lot of the burden of traveling around the city away, especially when it comes to getting to work. I live downtown, but my internship is in midtown. It may seem like a no-brainer to have one, but without it, I would literally not be able to get to my internship (in a timely manner, that is).

5) Water Bottle. Wherever I go, my water bottle goes. About a year and a half ago, I became crazy about water. I can even taste the difference between different kinds of water. I have to have water with me wherever I am, and I especially need it when I am working. Not only do I just love water, but it’s good to keep your brain and body hydrated while at work!

These five tools may seem obvious or out of the ordinary, but they are what helps me to survive this season of my life as an intern. There’s no doubt about it. My “survival kit” is necessary for my success



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