Friday, June 7, 2019

PR Intern Diaries: Meet Jonathan

Happy Friday! Before we jet out of the office for a summer Friday workout class, I wanted to introduce you to Lynette Nicole PR's summer intern, Jonathan! He came all the way from Tennessee to work with us so we look forward to showing him the PR ropes and sharing our NYC insights. 

Here's what Jonathan has to say:

Hello all! My name is Jonathan Kirkland, and currently, I am a Tennessee native having the experience of a lifetime as a PR intern with Lynette Nicole PR in New York City! I attend school at the University of Tennessee at Martin, which is located in the (very) small town of Martin, Tennessee. As you can imagine, moving from a rural town with only 15,000 people to New York City comes with quite the culture shock! However, I absolutely love NYC, so this summer should be fantastic! 

Over the remaining ten weeks, I will get to immerse myself into the world of PR and learn about the career path I have chosen. I am actually already learning quite a bit! One thing I have learned in my first week is the power of research. I came into this internship knowing that research is important, but now I have learned about WHY research is important. It seems to be the foundation of public relations. Knowing the answers and being able to provide the "why" is why research is so important. Researching contacts and being up to date on who is talking about your client is fundamental to offering the best possible publicity. I am excited to build upon this foundation. 

I have also been learning about health, especially when it comes to taking care of myself in a new environment. I have learned a lot about how to deal with homesickness, and I even tried my first green juice (well, it was a raspberry-lemonade juice, but I'll get there)! I am learning that making sure I eat well is important, especially in a city where pizza, street food, and fast food is absolutely everywhere. I want to feel good while I complete my internship, so I understand that eating well and dealing with homesickness in a healthy way is important to my success. 

Overall, I hope to end the summer having learned what I want to do in public relations. I want to know what works/doesn't work in the industry, and I hope to gain a level of confidence in what I do. 

I can't wait to see what this summer will teach me! 


Stay tuned for more intern diaries from Jonathan + a Chicago Marathon training update from me! 


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