Friday, June 14, 2019

PR Intern Diaries Week 2: Jonathan

Happy Friday! Jonathan is back with his update for his second week interning at Lynette Nicole PR! Here's what he had to say:

Week number two has come and gone in a flash. Now that I am a bit more "at home" here in NYC, time is starting to move less like the turtle and more like the hare. I still am in awe of this experience and I am thankful for every opportunity I have been given. I love my internship and there is something new to learn every day. I already feel like I am growing more as a PR student and I can't wait to see where my growth takes me by the end of the summer. 

No two days look alike in Public Relations. I heard that all the time from my professors, advisors, and other professionals. This week I have learned to not expect each day to be "copy and paste." I have learned that my day may be spent doing heavy research, making media lists, or learning new things about the industry. I know this is going to continue to be true as I progress in my career field. I'm finding that I like not knowing exactly how my day will look. There is an element of surprise in PR. 

In keeping true to trying to remain healthy while living in NYC, I tried yoga for the first time this week! I learned that yoga is more physical than I thought it would be. I enjoy exercises that work my legs and arms, and basic yoga poses worked those areas for me. The emphasis on breathing also helped to relax me and gave me the opportunity to release anxiety, stress, and tension that had been building up since I moved here and had my world turned upside down. I can't wait to try yoga again! 

Included in this week were a few cool adventures. During my internship this week, I got to complete a "scavenger hunt" at Barnes & Noble where I sifted through countless magazine publications, learning about the different topics covered and which ones are important. Outside my internship, however, I attended my first Broadway show of the summer, Waitress! I love the theatre, and this was a great way for me to relax and have fun. I love using theatre as an outlet to break away from the real world, kind of like yoga! 

Even though week two went by quick, I learned a lot and made great memories. Here's to the remaining 9 weeks! 

Stay tuned for a Chicago training update from me next week! 


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