Wednesday, September 23, 2015

5th Ave Mile + Training

Yes, this is about a week late but better late than never. I'm trying to catch up on posts for you but boy does life get in the way sometimes!

Up until last weekend training was going great. Tons of workouts and speed training and then mornings got cold and nights were filled with events.

The day of the 5th Ave Mile I set out to run 7 miles beforehand to make it a solid 8 for the day. Those 7 sucked terrible. I left late, had heavy legs, stopped to use a bathroom at the Astoria track during only mile 2 and stopped to answer a text. Needless to say, by the time I got to the race I was prepared to come in last.

I got there with just under 10 minutes to spare and jumped in my corral. Said hi to Brock who was standing nearby and got ready to run.

Fortunately adrenaline took over. I knew the splits to hit every quarter mile and I did it! My final time was 7:46 which I'm very content with. Although obviously I must beat that next year.

Brock's heat was next so I walked back up to get the water bottle (it was a Camelback not a Poland Spring from the drugstore) I tossed down at the start while he finished his race.

We met back up halfway and went to brunch. After 8 miles I need some fuel! Afterwards Brock headed to his office to change and get some work done while I watched the rest of the heats including the elites (who make a 4 minute mile look effortless).

Look out for a RUN10FEED10 recap to hear how training is going a week later (spoiler- there are no more sub-8 miles in my near future).


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