Tuesday, June 4, 2013

#WeRunNYC with Greatist/Oiselle

On Saturday I woke up bright and early to attend a fun run I signed up for. I had found out about the run though Jocelyn on Twitter and decided to sign up. It was hosted by Greatist and included sponsors Nuun, Picky Bars and Oiselle. The #WeRunNYC run also had a 4 or 8 mile option- I chose the 4 due to lack of training this May.

I arrived at 8 and got my name tag and put my bag in baggage check. I went around to the tables to get more information and test out samples.

My favorite Nuun flavor right now is lemon-lime and I was SO happy that was one of the flavors being sampled. It was perfect pre-run and much needed post-run with the heat. 

I also got to try Picky Bars for the first time. I only tried one flavor, the peanut butter ones. I'm a bit picky (no pun intended!) with protein/power bars and these were not my favorite. But I didn't hate it! They were just a bit different.

Oiselle had a table set up with coupons which I took one of. Jen had mentioned how much she loves their shorts so I may need to give them a try!

We headed out for the run after everyone arrived. Most people had chosen the 4 miles due to the BRUTAL heat. For the first half I stuck with Jen and Julianne however due to how out of shape I was I fell back about half way through. Then caught up and fell back again! I came back last but I do not care. I finished and am so ready to get back into running. The little break I had was a nice refresher. 

After the run the ladies from Oiselle picked raffle tickets I headed out to Astoria before my second workout, which you can read about in a review this week!

It was so amazing meeting all the inspiring and amazing women I follow up Twitter in person and being able to run with them. It was a great experience and I look forward to doing it again. 

Did you attend #WeRunNYC? 



  1. It was SOO hot that day, but I'm so glad I attended as well. I love Oiselle's Stride Shorts but I hear amazing things about their Rogas as well!

    1. Maybe I'll try them both- with the heat expected this summer, can't have too many pairs!

  2. Hey Lynette!!! So yeah hubs DEVOURED those Kashi cookies. Win! Maybe try a running skirt? Lululemon's Pace Setter is my FAVORITE and skirts are just so fun and girly. Plus there's a bit of air flow if you know what I mean...

    1. Hey! Glad he liked them. I've considered it but I'm not one for incorporating that much girlyness into sports. haha yup I know what you mean...was great meeting you btw!
