Friday, June 7, 2013

Pedal Class Re-Cap

A friend could not take a class at Pedal on Saturday after the Greatist run so she offered it to me. I said yes- I had never been there before and it sounded fun!

Although I had already ran 4 miles in scorching heat, I think I did well in the class. I did get a little lost on the way there but they had literally just started when I walked in. The receptionist was very nice and rushed me into the spin room where the rest of the small group was. 

The class was called 30/30 so that means there was 30 minutes of spin and 30 of TRX. This was my first time with TRX.

In the spin room Mr. Ray was getting everyone pumped up. I settled in to my bike and we got going. The class was filled with sprints, hill climbs and jumps. Tons of muscle confusion! The music was loud and I could sing along to it (if I wanted to, not that I did). The only thing I disliked was he kept lowering it just when I was getting into it.

After spin was over we headed into the TRX room. The equipment was all new to me but I picked up on it pretty quickly. Mr. Ray set us up into two groups- one on the straps and one on the floor. I'm not sure what most things were called so bear with me. The first round was essentially pull ups on the straps and squats with high-fives on the ground. Next was bicep curls on the straps and plank high-fives on the ground. Last was star jumps on the straps and mountain climber on the floor.

Phew that made me tired just writing! We ended the class outside with a little run however I opted for squats since I was SO dead from the class and morning run. 

If you have never taken this class I suggest you get your butt to Pedal NYC very quickly! I liked the 30/30 method- cardio and strength training! Mr. Ray was great. He offered modifier if you could not do something and he motivated everyone throughout the hour. 

Also, thanks to Talia for setting up the class!

Have you ever been to Pedal? What did you think?



  1. Where is this class? It looks like fun and I want to start getting into spinning!

    1. It's on West End between 60 & 61st I believe. Ah let's make a Flywheel date!!!!
