Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Onto The Next Running Goal

I love Q4 and fall in PR because things are in full swing and everyone is busy pitching their little hearts out whether it's to media for placements or to secure new clients for Q1. 

Earlier this month I finally got my "time" trial in which was really just a distance trial and making sure my legs still had it in them, considering I just stopped following my training plan (sorry coach Jessica!). 

Running in the 'burbs is just easier so I headed to LI since I had to be there for a surprise birthday dinner I planned for my mom's 60th anyway. 

Once I arrived, I grabbed my sister who was my bike support and headed out for a casual but with a little effort 13.1. 

I chose a route that ended us back home because you can't just grab a Citi Bike on Long Island when you finish your run nowhere near when you're supposed to be. It was actually a large portion of what my 10-mile training runs used to be when I lived there. 

Did it hurt? Yes. 

Did I finish? Yes.

Did I almost get run over a lot because I'm used to running in the street here and tried that on LI? Also yes. 

For today, I'm content with a 2:05 that felt like I pushed just a little, but was mostly effortless. 

There's no reason that next May, when the race I was supposed to run twice this year, presumably kicks off, that I can't surpass the goal I set. You do run fast when actually racing after all.

I'm currently nursing an injury that was given to me by a PT so am hoping with a little strength training and rest, it goes away again. Have you ever gone to the PT for a left hamstring problem and went home with a right hip injury that never existed? Just me? PT's are covered under medical malpractice so I get to live with this lovely injury now. 

I did sign up for a REAL LIVE IN PERSON 5K in two weeks so I'm pretty excited to get out there. With my hip the way it is, it's going to be a slow and steady run but it's a race nonetheless. 

So what's next?

Crushing that half marathon goal and hopefully crushing NYC. There's been no updates as to whether or not the big 2021 races will go off and we haven't been able to choose our resolution year but I'm super hopeful that I can also go for it in NYC. 

Running has been one thing that's keeping me relatively sane during this pandemic, abuse and trauma recovery and work from home. 


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