Friday, March 9, 2018

Bulldog Yoga Pop-Up

Last Wednesday, I was invited to attend a Bulldog Yoga pop-up at Haven's Kitchen. I'd never heard of Bulldog before so I was super intrigued to check it out. A bonus was that I used to work in the same office at the team who reps Bulldog so I had a feeling it had to be awesome. 

Bulldog Yoga was initially described to me as the invigorating, fitness and music-fueled yoga studio that's all about seizing the day, sweating it out, and not taking it all too seriously. I learned quickly via the teams' follow up that there was an online component that was actually the main focus. 

I ventured into the city to work from Coffeed, which was right next to Haven's Kitchen. After a super stressful day I could not wait for some yoga to help me relax and reset. 

When I arrived I headed up to the third floor which was super spacious and had private bathrooms. Both the PR and Bulldog teams we just hanging out greeting everyone. I loved how informal it was. If you know me, personally and in business, you know I am probably one of the least formal people ever. 

[Credit: Bulldog Yoga]

Eventually we made our way over to the mats that were set up. The founder gave a short speech about the brand which echoed what I mentioned above. He was so enthusiastic and excited. Then he introduced the instructor, whose name, in clear Lynette fashion, I've since forgotten. She was a tiny, bubbly yogi ready to get going! 

I freakin' loved this class. While I don't mind a traditional yoga class, there's a reason I tend to steer myself towards Y7, Flywheel, Overthrow, etc. The music! I love a good tune regardless of what I'm doing. When I teach Pilates I always toss on iHeartRadio so my students have something to listen to. 

The class I took was a 45-minute invigorate. The website describes it as "Look no further…this is your whole-body workout for the day. Invigorate is ambitious, stimulating and pretty darn aerobic."

That is pretty damn accurate. We did planks, warriors, down dogs, abs, you name it! 

The class flowed together great and I was sweating within the first 10 minutes. The instructor was clear, offered adjustments, and was genuinely happy to be there. 

She counted down in reps, which if you read my Lagree review you know I prefer!, offered modifications to make poses easier or harder, and made sure we were workin'. 

The music played a big factor for me. It made the 45 minutes fly by but also helped me power through the poses. Even though it wouldn't be considered 'zen' music, I was totally zenned out from beginning to end, even after until my train got stuck! 

If you have the opportunity to take a live Bulldog Yoga class, I highly recommend it. You'll leave feeling like a million bucks. 

For more information visit 

I am testing out the online component and will be posting a review early April! 



1 comment:

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