Sunday, August 18, 2013

Summer Running...

...did NOT have me a blast. If you didn't know, I've been training for my second half. I'm doing the Divas Half on Long Island this October. 

I have to say, training in the summer might not be my favorite. Between the heat, slow pace and feeling dehydrated, I think I prefer winter. Bet you'd never thought I'd say that. Here's an update on my training:

Week 1: I kicked off with a 5K if you remember reading my recap. I also got an SLT class in that kicked my butt!

Week 2: My friend Jaclyn came to visit but I still got in a solid but slow 4 mile. I had intended to do 1 fast 1 slow mile but it was so hot that slow and steady won. I also finished up my SLT package which means I have not been back since. 

[Before a long run]
Week 3: 5 miles done! I went into the village and basically did 2.5 straight up then turned around and did 2.5 down. I've realized that since I already know the route and scenery I didn't enjoy the run as much. I was bored, slow and unmotivated but I did finish. Afterwards I stayed in the city to help my friend and co-worker move into her new apartment!

Week 4: I had a friends wedding in Penn this weekend (which was so fun and amazing). After a fun filled weekend of pizza, wine, beer and wedding food, I got 6 miles in Sunday evening when I came home. My knee was bothering me a bit but I kept going since I was just in my neighborhood.

Week 5: Wow training is going fast! On Sunday I did 7 miles down in the village and switched up my route. I went in and out of a neighborhood to get some new scenery and additional miles. The day before I did half of the routine from runners boot camp (instead of repeating it for an hour workout I just did everything once). I think it helped my run a lot. I felt really strong and almost had a negative split!!

I'm writing this on Saturday so I didn't get a run in yet but I did half of runners boot camp. It felt tough probably because I did it at 10 and it was already hot out. Tomorrow I'm running my old 8 mile route which ends at Dunkin! 

Are you training for anything? How's it going?


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